First Week

Hello Parents and Students!

We started off with a great first week of 6th grade this year. For the first week we discussed, reviewed and modeled how to be Butler Pirates and how to conduct ourselves in the classroom and on campus in general. Students received their course syllabus from me and their lab safety contract to have you sign. I have almost all of them returned to me however, there are some students who still need to take care of this. This is especially important when it comes to their lab safety contract. They will not be able to participate in any hands on activities involving the lab until I have this documentation signed for their file. Students were well behaved however, students must keep in mind that they need to stop conversation  while instruction is taking place and this includes writing/passing notes.

Students didn't have any science course work for homework this week. They only needed to bring the following:

Lab safety contract

Last page of course syllabus signed

Ink pens (only) any colors

Composition book (any color)

Index cards (lined-any colors)

Highlighters any colors


It has been explaind to students that pencils are not permitted in science class. Pencils cause us to lose too much instructional time and students have to frequently get up to sharpen them when they break or wear down. Please understand that I am not trying to be difficult, I'm just trying to make the best of every moment your child and I spend together in class.

As always, if you need to contact me I can be reached at the school's number (904)-630-6900 or email

Have a great week!